Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Remember how I said "Maybe the next snow storm would not be anything to write home about"? Guess what... We are up to a foot of new snow and we have another 5 hours left of heavy snow fall.

WAL-MART and Tyson have closed their corporate offices. It is surely the end of days, if not Armageddon then Snowmageddon.

This morning Ross went out to clean off his truck so he could go to the gym. This is what we saw as the garage door raised...

Ross cleaned off the truck, started it and came inside to drink his Superpump. When he left he had to clean it off again!!

Needless to say, Drake and Mason are excited. We are going sledding later and will build another snowman.

Capone the wiener dog is not excited. We are going to have to clear a path for him to get outside!

There was a heavy band of snow this morning between here and Fayetteville around Lowell. Heather said Mike went into work this morning. When he got to work and opened his door there was snow up to the door. He drives a 4x4 GMC. That's how much snow we are getting!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - Hope you can enjoy the blizzard - that is a TON of snow. Don't lose the boys in it when you go sledding :)
